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Federal Vs. State: What’s The Difference?

Black lung cases can be tremendously complex. There are only six law firms in the country that handle these sorts of claims. Wolfe Williams & Austin has worked with clients in all 50 states, and we take cases over the phone for clients who can’t travel. With offices in Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee, we bring decades of experience to our clients dealing with the most difficult situations. We are here to help you fight for a solution.

What You Should Know

Every state has different laws in place, which is why it is crucial that you have an attorney who understands all areas of the law. Unlike most black lung firms, we handle claims at both state and federal levels. Many people are unaware of the difference, and it is our job to help you discuss all of the potential options. Here are some key differences:

  • Obtaining state benefits does not automatically get you federal benefits and vice versa.
  • Federal benefits tend to be far more generous than state cases. You get to choose the doctor you see, and the program covers all medical appointments and medications for life. This is not always the case for state claims.
  • States have a time limit on when you can file, whereas federal claims do not.
  • For state claims, you can only file once. Federal law says that you can file as many times as you want, and the government will pay for it.
  • Federal claims do not have attorney fees. The coal company or insurance company pays on your behalf.

The differences between the two can be quite confusing, but that is why we are here to help.

Call Today To Learn More

Our attorneys bring their unique set of qualifications to each case. We handle each client’s needs with compassion. Get started today by scheduling a consultation. You can call our office in Norton, Virginia, at 888-925-9154 today or fill out our contact form. We can conduct all our business over the phone, so there is no need for you to travel.